Egyptians’ perceptions regarding women economic participation in Egypt

Egyptians’ perceptions regarding women economic participation in Egypt

Egypt’s vision for 2030 is to achieve a sustainable inclusive growth and development without leaving anyone behind with focus on achieving social integration systematically in order to narrow gender gaps and achieve equal opportunities and rights. Egypt National Strategy for Women Empowerment 2030 was initiated by the National Council for Women through a wide community dialogue with all stakeholders. The strategy was launched in 2017 with targets that are fully aligned with the targets of the SDS and the international sustainable development goals (SDGs) declared by the United Nations for 2030.

The goal of the second pillar of the NCW strategy is to develop women’s capacity to enhance their employment options, expand their participation in the workforce, support their entrepreneurship, and realize equal opportunities for women’s employment in all sectors, including holding senior positions in both the public and private sector.